Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sleeping with the Enemy...my iPhone

First let me say this--I love Apple products. I think they are god's gift to the ADD riddled Generation X,Y and even Z folks. Now we can focus on a piece of technology that allows us to not-focus...brilliant! I also own so many of their products I am pretty sure the Apple icon should be plastered on my apartment door. Apple is not the enemy.

However, the reason this entry is entitled, "Sleeping with the Enemy," is due to the fact that I sleep with my iPhone. I, like many others, use my iPhone as my alarm clock. Why spend money on another piece of technology when I have an alarm setting on my iPhone? Frugal...yes. Healthy...no.

On my iPhone I have fused my personal and professional life. I originally thought this would make my day easier; one phone for my entire world. Very wrong. And what makes matters worse is that my phone is literally next to my head when I sleep. Actually my iPhone cuddles me more than my husband at night.

Again this has nothing to do with Apple or the iPhone but more so mobile phones acting as an alarm clocks.

Public Enemy #1
 I have noticed that since I employed my phone as more than a communication device, I have been sleeping really poorly. The bags under my eyes are starting to droop so low they are creating pockets to store things. Bloomingdale's "Big Brown Bags" are actually referring to my under eye appearance.

You see, I believe since my mobile phone is never turned off (how could it be I would never wake up) I am never turned off. I hear it buzz, light up and basically move all throughout the night. I may not check my phone until the morning but I am oddly aware of its nighttime activities.

When morning breaks and my alarm annoyingly goes off after several plus snoozes, the first thing I do is check my email. Anyone in the corporate world will say that checking your emails immediately after waking up is a sure fire way of ruining your morning. Now I have 1,001 things to do and technically I am not awake...at least my head is still on the pillow.

Not only am I loosing sleep from my 'all dancing, all singing' phone(a term my mother-in-law penned when seeing my iPhone) but my morning is less than peaceful because I know what awaits me in my cubicle. And trust me, it is rarely rainbows, butterflies or cupcakes.

Basically, my mobile phone is the enemy. It holds me a prisoner at night and it slaps me in the morning with mounds of information and ! emails (I hate when my emails have the ! symbol...it basically says this email is more important than your life so read it now or suffer a cruel demise!!!).

I have created my worst-enemy and can easily fix it, but I cannot get myself to pop to Target and pickup a nifty alarm clock. It just seems silly when the function exists on my mobile phone. Or I am suffering from Stockholm Syndrome in which I have fell in love with my captor, my iPhone, and do not want to rid it from my bedside??! Probably not.

The only extramarital relationship my husband should be worried about is the every-night affair I have with my iPhone. We might not always sync up, but my iPhone keeps me up all night long. #sleepy.

mi amor

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